Must-read blogs by US Foreign Service Officers 1

Must-read blogs by US Foreign Service Officers

Whether you’re interested in joining the US Foreign Service or want to gain a better idea of what life is really like for American diplomats, reading blogs written by FSOs and their families provides a great, personal perspective on the American foreign policy machine from Foggy Bottom to the world over.

Green-on-green: a new development in insider attacks? 0

Green-on-green: a new development in insider attacks?

The past weekend saw two incidents of “green-on-green” violence between Afghan security forces, a different but closely related phenomenon to the green-on-blue attacks that have plagued ISAF forces this summer. The nature of each attack highlights the danger that insider attacks still pose.

Fardh al-Qanoon displayed at Connections Wargaming Conference 2

Fardh al-Qanoon displayed at Connections Wargaming Conference

I’m excited to report that my Baghdad counterinsurgency simulation, Fardh al-Qanoon was displayed at the Connections Wargaming Conference held at the National Defense University last week. While I was not an attendee, others had the chance to see the latest version of the game thanks to Dr. Peter Perla.