Robert Hossal

The cost of sea power, then and now 0

The cost of sea power, then and now

Infantry, cavalry, armor, and air power come and go in importance as technology and tactics change, but sea power is the perennial king of interstate warfare. So how much did ship-of-the-lines cost compared to modern aircraft carriers?

Must-read blogs by US Foreign Service Officers 1

Must-read blogs by US Foreign Service Officers

Whether you’re interested in joining the US Foreign Service or want to gain a better idea of what life is really like for American diplomats, reading blogs written by FSOs and their families provides a great, personal perspective on the American foreign policy machine from Foggy Bottom to the world over.

Green-on-green: a new development in insider attacks? 0

Green-on-green: a new development in insider attacks?

The past weekend saw two incidents of “green-on-green” violence between Afghan security forces, a different but closely related phenomenon to the green-on-blue attacks that have plagued ISAF forces this summer. The nature of each attack highlights the danger that insider attacks still pose.